St Brigid's RC Primary School

Meet the Governors

St Brigid’s RC Primary School             Governors’ Vision Statement

As a Catholic school we believe that Jesus Christ is at the heart of all that we are striving to achieve in each and every aspect of school life

We strive to build a school where all can live, love and learn in a caring and nurturing Christian community

We hope to inspire every child:

  • to have the confidence to learn

  • to aspire to be the best that they can be

  • to put into practice the Gospel values of respect, forgiveness, compassion, justice and truth

  • to help all in our school community to know, love and serve God in our hearts, minds and actions.


So that all can Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it and live life to the full.

St Brigid’s Governing Body

The role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management to the Head teacher, supporting and challenging the school in its development. Schools have a budget that covers salaries, building maintenance, resources, daily running costs and the Governing Body is responsible for managing this budget. The governing body can decide how many staff to employ and who they need to employ, they look at what resources or maintenance is a priority and they consider what new strategies and initiatives will need implementing in school to ensure that children make the very best progress.

Governors are volunteers and the overall Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of governors.


Who are the Governors at St Brigid’s?


Mrs Elizabeth Eccles, Chair of Governors

I am the Chair of Governors at St Brigid's RC as well as being the Headteacher of St Joseph’s RC Primary, Longsight. I love how vibrant the school is, the love shared between the staff and children and the fabulous enthusiasm shared by all within the community especially when the children are singing. I am proud to be part of the St Brigid’s family.

You can contact the Chair of Governors by writing to Mrs E Eccles, c/o St Brigid's RC Primary School 


Mr Brendan Hennessy,  Foundation Governor

I am delighted to be appointed as a Foundation Governor of St Brigid’s RC Primary School and I am totally committed to serving the school and parish community in this role. My background is in Catholic education in Manchester as a pupil, student, teacher, head teacher and governor – including 27 years as a serving head teacher, 9 of those years at our neighbouring catholic school St Francis, Gorton.  After my headship I was an independent education consultant and a RE inspector for the Diocese of Salford.


Mrs Julie Miles, Headteacher/Staff Governor

I joined St Brigid’s in September, 2010 as Headteacher. St Brigid’s is a lovely, warm and friendly school and I am fully committed to ensure that every one strives to be the best they can be.


Fr Joseph Kiwango Parish Priest


Mr Tom Murphy, Foundation Governor

I am the head of R.E at a Catholic high school in Trafford within the Diocese of Salford. I am a committed parishioner of St Brigid’s church. As a governor to St Brigid’s primary school, I always feel that the school is incredibly warm and truly embraces the catholic ethos and strives to improve itself continuously.


Mrs Kelly Sinclair, Staff Governor

I joined St Brigid’s in May 2011. I feel very passionate about our school and the nurturing support we provide for all of our children. There is something very special about St Brigid’s, it is a school family that I love being a part of.


Mrs Julie Illidge, Foundation Governor

I am the Head of Primary Links and teach at St Peter’s High School.  I feel proud to be part of the St Brigid’s family and all it represents.  St Brigid’s is a warm and friendly school, a place for children to learn, feel safe and be loved


Mr Gregg Clark, Foundation Governor


Governors - Role, Areas of Governorship and attendance for 2022-2023




Areas of Governorship

Term of Office

Attendance % for last academic year FGB

Attendance at sub committees

Relevant Business, pecuniary or material interests

Appointing body

Governor role in other schools

Mr Brendan Hennessy

Foundation governor

Safeguarding/ LAC

Curriculum, Staffing & Personnel, Resources

31/10/2012 to current






Mr Tom Murphy

Vice Chair of Governors


01/09/2015 to current






Mrs Julie Miles

Staff Governor

All committees





Governing Body-Lead professional


Fr Joseph Kiwango

Foundation Governor

, Staffing & Personnel

17.10.17 to current





Mrs Kelly Sinclair

Staff Governor


19/11/2012 to current





Governing Body-Staff


Mrs Elizabeth Eccles

Chair of Governors/ SEND 

Curriculum, Staffing & Personnel

19/10/2016 to current





Local Authority


Mrs Julie Illidge

Foundation Governor


20/03/2018 to current






G.ClarkFoundation GovernorCurriculum7.12.21 to current100%100%NoDioceseNo



 Governance structure and meetings

Resources CommitteeCurriculum CommitteeStaffing & Personnel 
Chair: Mr Tom MurphyChair: Mrs E Eccles Chair: Mrs E Eccles

Mr B Hennessy 

Mrs J Miles 

Mr T Murphy

Mrs L Eccles

Mrs E Grimshaw (at request)


Mrs J Miles

Mrs E Eccles

Mrs K Sinclair 

Mrs J Illidge

Mr G Clark



Mr B Hennessy

Mrs J Miles

Mrs E Eccles

Fr J Kiwango

Governing Body Terms of Reference
