St Brigid's RC Primary School

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy 2023-2024


This policy should be read in conjunction St Brigid’s Safeguarding Policy, St Brigid’s Anti-bullying Policy, St Brigid’s Uniform and Appearance and St Brigid’s Equality Duty Policy.


St Brigid’s Primary School is committed to creating an environment where the best behaviour is at the heart of productive learning.  Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for the behaviour and to encourage others so do the same.


This policy aims to:

  • Create a positive culture that promotes excellent behaviour, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to learn in a calm, safe and supportive environment
  • Establish a whole-school approach to maintaining high standards of behaviour that reflect the values of the school
  • Provide a consistent and calm approach and to celebrate the best behaviours
  • To use restorative approaches whilst having clear boundaries on what we consider to be unacceptable behaviour, including bullying and discrimination


The four Key Values of our Catholic School are

  • We are all made in God’s image- each unique and talented.
  • To be the best we can be in all things- happy confident and thriving.
  • To care for one another- our planet and our community.
  • Let everything we think, do and say be a shining example of our faith.


Purpose of the policy

To provide simple, practical procedures for staff and children that

  • Recognises behaviour norms and positively reinforces this behaviour
  • Encourages children that they can and should make good choices
  • Ensures consistency of expectations across the school
  • Builds a community which values kindness, care, good temper and empathy for others


Expectation of Adults

We expect every adult to

  • Meet and greet at the door
  • Refer to ‘Ready, Respect, Safe’ in their daily conversations with children
  • Never walk past or ignore pupils who are failing to meet expectations
  • To use the scripts
  • Follow up all behaviour including restorative conversations and communication with parents
  • Teach behaviour as part of the weekly curriculum
  • Plan lessons that engage, challenge and meet the needs of all pupils
  • Deal with all poor behaviour in private

Behaviour is managed well where adults know their classes and develop positive relationships with all pupils


Expectation of Phase leaders

Phase leaders (and SENCo’s) are not expected to deal with behaviour referrals in isolation.  If called upon they are there to stand alongside colleagues to support, guide, model and show a unified consistency to the pupils.

  • A visible presence around school
  • Encourage the use of positive phone calls/ positive postcards amongst their team
  • Support behaviour development through phase meetings to ensure consistency of the policy
  • Know which children are consistently meeting expectations
  • Liaise with SEND team to ensure prompt provision where needed
  • Providing new staff with a clear induction into the school’s behavioural culture to ensure they understand its rules and routines


Expectation of Senco Team

  • To use behaviour data to target and assess interventions at universal and SEND support in line with Matching Provision to Need document
  • To provide support and advice to adults.
  • To support teachers in managing pupils with more complex or challenging behaviour so that needs are being met.


The Head teacher and the Senior Leadership Team

  • Meet and greet learners at the beginning of the day
  • Will be a visible presence around the school
  • Celebrate staff, leaders and pupils whose effort goes over and above expectations
  • Ensure staff training needs are identified and met
  • To support the Senco Team and phase leaders in managing learners with more complex or negative behaviours
  • Use behaviour data to target and assess the effectiveness of the behaviour policy and practice


The Governing Body is responsible for

  • Reviewing and approving the Behaviour Policy
  • Monitoring the policy’s effectiveness
  • Holding the headteacher to account for its implementation




Our Rules


Ready, Respectful, Safe





Smart starts, wonderful walking, lovely lines




Recognition and rewards for effort

Verbal praise

Silver opportunities 4 times a day

Gold opportunities twice a day (ringing of the gold bell)

Positive phone calls home / positive conversations with parents/carers

Friday Captain’s table for 6 golds in a week

Weekly class mascot for the class that has shown an excellent effort in meeting the behaviour high expectations.  15 minutes’ special time for winning the mascot.

Special mentions in Friday assembly



Steps for modifying and managing poor behaviour


(see scripts in appendix

All conversations should be done in private)



Last chance


Very often a reminder and a caution can be enough for a child to make a right choice.  If this is the case, then a last chance conversation would not be needed. 




If there are concerns at playtimes or lunchtime then teachers on duty/ LOs respectively will fill in a cause for concern sheet which is given to the member of SLT on duty after modifying and managing any poor behaviour.


Misbehaviour is defined as:

  • Disruption in lessons, in corridors between lessons, and at break and lunchtimes
  • Non-completion of classwork or homework
  • Poor attitude


Serious misbehaviour is defined as:

  • Repeated breaches of the school rules that lead to unreasonable high level disruption of children’s right to learn
  • Any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination such as racist, sexist or homophobic behaviours (please see Anti-bullying Policy)
  • Physical violence or verbal aggression directed towards an adult or pupil
  • Use of object/weapons to hurt others
  • Serious/ continued bullying incidents
  • Vandalism leading to significant damage of school property and resources
  • Possession of any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil)



Consequences 1



Time out, restorative conversation and communication with parent

Repetitive time out – meeting with teacher, phase lead and parent

Removal – parent to be informed.  Pupil monitoring

Fresh start twice a day


Very often a short removal/ time out and a restorative conversation is enough for a child to change their behaviour.


If a child has 2 incidents in a week requiring reflection the class teacher must inform the parent promptly.


If a child has 3 or more incidents in a week or regular incidents then a meeting with the teacher, phase lead and parent should be arranged.  This should be recorded on CPOMS.  A monitoring chart should be put into place.





Consequences 2


Serious Misbehaviour



Intentional vandalism

Consistent refusal to work

Consistent refusal to follow instructions

Intimidating others

Consistent inappropriate behaviour

Unreasonably high level of disruption that significantly disrupts learning

Hurting friends

Throwing objects

Threatening behaviour


Shouting at adults


Removal from class or removal from the playground

Missing longer periods of playtimes/ lunchtimes

Phase leader meeting with parents



Decision to suspend will be made by the Headteacher (and in her absence the Deputy) If decision to suspend then meeting with parent followed by letter to parent explaining reasons for suspension, length of suspension, arrangements for accessing school work and the back to school meeting



Consequences 3


Serious Misbehaviour



Physical or verbal aggression directed towards an adult or pupil


Use of object/weapons to hurt others

Serious/ continued bullying incidents

Significant acts of violent


Decision to suspend will be made by the Headteacher (and in her absence the Deputy)

If decision to suspend then meeting with parent followed by letter to parent explaining reasons for suspension, length of suspension, arrangements for accessing school work and the back to school meeting


Only in an extreme case would the decision to permanently exclude be taken. Appropriate procedures will be followed





Suspension and Permanent Exclusions


Removal from the classroom is a serious sanction and will only be used when all other behaviour strategies have been attempted, unless the behaviour is so extreme as to warrant immediate removal. We use removal for the following reasons:

  • To maintain safety for all pupils following an unreasonably high level of disruption
  • To allow the pupil to regain calm in a safe space
  • To enable the pupil to be taken to a place where their learning can be continued in a managed environment.

When a child has been removed from class, they will be guided to a safe space. Work will be planned for and provided by the class teacher to ensure that the child continues to learn.  The appropriate paper work will be completed and parents will be contacted promptly.


Where removed children do not calm down, are unable to continue their work and continue to exhibit serious and unsafe behaviours, despite a range of strategies being attempted, school will phone parents to support with calming the child down.  This will also help to restore stability for other children attending school.


The school can use suspension and permanent exclusion in response to serious incidents or in response to persistent poor behaviour, which has not improved following in-school sanctions and interventions. 


The decision to suspend or exclude will be made by the headteacher and only as a last resort.




In order for children to achieve their maximum academic potential in the school they must feel safe from physical and verbal aggression and disruption.  If a child seriously breaches the school’s behaviour policy and if the pupil remaining in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school, the Headteacher may take the decision to exclude for a fixed period.  If this decision is taken, work will be set for the pupil to complete at home.  Following the suspension, the pupil and parents will meet with the Headteacher to discuss the pupil’s reintegration to school and the best way forward to support the child.  Each day is a new day.


Permanent exclusions

Permanent exclusion is seen as a very last resort after all reasonable steps to avoid exclusion have been put into place.  Permanent exclusion should only occur when risk assessment indicates that to allow the pupil to remain in school would be seriously detrimental to the education or welfare of the pupil concerned or to other pupils at the school



The school recognises that changes in behaviour may be an indicator that a pupil is in need of help or protection. We will consider whether a pupil’s misbehaviour may be linked to them suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm.  Where this may be the case, we will follow our safeguarding policy, and consider whether pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate. Where there is suspected child on child abuse please read St Brigid’s Safeguarding Policy 2023

A paper copy of the behaviour policy can be obtained from the school office free of charge 