St Brigid's RC Primary School

Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy at St Brigid's 

Prayer helps us to reflect, draw closer to God and make the right choices. Our children are becoming very independent when creating their reflective space and discussing a range of themes and topics. Using their knowledge of prayer alongside the ability to reflect on themselves and comparing what they do to the expectation of living in the light of God, children are able to work in small groups to reflect and share ideas. They are able to create prayers and connect with God in their own, meaningful way. Each Monday, we host a whole-school collective worship assembly to start our week off in the light of God's path. Each class have a planned weekly prayer and liturgy session in class, often led by the children with our younger classes developing this skill. Each class attends Mass on a rota basis at least once every half term to lead the prayers, spread the word and sing in praise to our Lord. 


At St Brigid’s, we seek at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. We aim to make the school a safe, place where the Gospel values of Our Lord Jesus Christ are taught, lived and experienced, where prayer and celebration are integral to life and where religious growth and development are stimulated within the total curriculum. As Catholic educators we are privileged to fulfil the mission Jesus gave us, ‘Go out and teach all nations’ as we ‘Dream it, believe it and achieve it’. We want everyone to experience a close and loving relationship with God as he invites us to ‘Live life to the full’ so at St Brigid's we aim to:

  • Grow spiritually
  • Live out our mission
  • Think about the mystery of God and our relationship with Him
  • Respond to and celebrate our achievements and life.   
  • Emphasis through prayer the Catholic ethos of our school.
  • Encourage children of all faiths to express feelings and emotions through independent, group, class and collective worship.
  • Help each child to live, grow and contribute through prayer in our school community.


Throughout the school day, we pray together four times. We have a morning prayer, before lunch, after lunch and a home time prayer. We pray the school prayer together with actions. Our school prayer is: 


Let our school, be a place,

Where happiness shines from every face. 

A place to learn, a place to share, 

To help each other and show we care. 

God Bless our school, everyday, 

St Brigid, hear us this we pray,


Our School Chapel

Our school Chapel was created solely with the ideas and drawings from our children. They had their say on what was needed and designed the wallpaper using a collection of Religious symbols and images. The Chapel is used as a reflective space during prayer and liturgy by all classes. It is open at breaks and lunches during special times in the Liturgical year, led by the Chaplains, to support prayers and allow children to have the time and space to be reflective. 


Our Outdoor Altar and Prayer Space 

In our rolling fields outside, beside the outdoor learning area, we have a wonderful outdoor altar to host Mass and to allow for reflective and spontaneous prayer during playtimes. The oak-carved wood is detailed to include carvings of images that draw us closer to God. This is an area enjoyed by the children. 




