St Brigid's RC Primary School

Social Media Policy


This policy sets out St Brigid’s RC Primary School’s policy on social networking. Social networking activities conducted online outside work, such as blogging, involvement in any social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter and posting material, images or comments on sites such as You Tube can have a negative effect on an organisation’s reputation or image. In addition, St Brigid’s School has a firm commitment to safeguarding children in all aspects of its work. This policy has been written to set out the key principles and code of conduct that we expect of all members of staff with respect to their responsibilities in connection with the use of social networking sites.

Key Principles 

 Everyone* at St Brigid’s School has a responsibility to ensure that they protect the reputation of the school, and to treat colleagues and members of the school with professionalism and respect.

 It is important to protect everyone at St Brigid’s from allegations and misinterpretations which can arise from the use of social networking sites.

 Safeguarding children is paramount and is a key responsibility of all members of staff and it is essential that everyone at St Brigid’s School considers this and acts responsibly if they are using social networking sites out of school. Anyone working in the school either as a paid employee or volunteer must not communicate with children via social networking.

 With safeguarding in mind, staff, parents and visitors are prohibited from using mobile phones in public areas around school and on school premises.

 This policy relates to social networking outside work. Blogging and accessing social networking sites at work or at home using school equipment is not permitted, unless for professional purposes and authorised by the Headteacher.

 It is also completely unacceptable to communicate on social media about the school or any member of the school community in or out of work on personally owned equipment
