St Brigid's RC Primary School

Nursery & Reception

Welcome to Nursery and Reception!

Welcome to EYFS 


Nursery - Bumblebees, Ladybirds and Butterflies

Class Teacher - Mr Hunter

Teaching Assistant - Ms Murphy


Reception Caterpillars

Class Teacher - Mrs Smith

Teaching assistant - Miss Rhodes Murphy 


From September, every Thursday the children in Nursery and Reception will come to school wearing their PE kit ready for Dance.

PE kit includes –

  • School jumper or school cardigan 
  • Plain T-shirt (white, grey, school blue) NO LOGOs
  • Shorts (school blue, navy, black)
  • Plain Jogging pants or leggings (grey, black, navy) - NO LOGOs
  • No jewellery
  • Plain BLACK trainers (including the trainer sole) or BLACK pumps - NO LOGOS


The plain black trainers that your child wears for PE can also be worn during the school week with their uniform.  This can save money rather than needing to buy two pairs of shoes as we know how fast children’s feet can grow!

Thank you

Mrs Davies (Assistant Head and Phase Leader) 


Our EYFS at St Brigid's

The Early year’s foundation stage is made up of Nursery and Reception classes. We work closely together to provide a caring and stimulating learning environment to meet the needs of each individual child. We want the children to enjoy their first experience of school life and give them enthusiasm to begin their learning journey.

Please ensure your child arrives promptly, this is particularly important to allow your child time to settle and complete the morning activity before group time. Children are provided with a coat peg and are encouraged to take off and hang up their own coat up. We encourage independence at every opportunity. Parents can help by encouraging independence with their child's self-help skills at home - 



  1. Dress and undress, coping with clothes that may have become inside out.
  2. Practise fastening buttons and zips.
  3. Begin to use the toilet properly, be able to wipe their bottom and flush the toilet.
  4. Wash and dry hands properly. Practising good hygiene.
  5. Help tidy up toys after playing.
  6. Recognise their full name.
  7. Begin to use a knife, fork and spoon to be able to eat their school dinner.
  8. Practise using manners daily, saying Please, Thank You, Excuse me.


Outdoor play
Nursery and Reception share a well-resourced outdoor area and we offer a free-flow system. This means that children can choose whether they want to access activities indoors and outdoors. The same learning opportunities are available outside, but are presented in different ways, usually on a larger scale. The school provides waterproof jackets and pants to ensure children can enjoy the outdoor environment in every weather. Parents are asked to bring in a pair of wellies which can stay in school.


Key information

  • We have Dance every Thursday morning, please ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled.

  • All reading books are changed on a Thursday, please ensure your child’s book is in on this day in the morning.

  • Homework will be provided to parents every fortnight; the homework will reflect the whole curriculum and will focus on quality talking time at home. 

  • We encourage parents to provide their child with a spare set of clothes to keep in school in case of any accidents.


From a very early age, children enjoy having books – to look at themselves and to have stories read from.

  • Read to your child as often as possible.
  • Use books with lots of pictures and talk about what you can see – try not to just read the text and then move on to the next page. This helps your child with understanding.
  • Encourage children to respect books and show them how to handle books correctly - always turning pages carefully etc.
  • Join the local library.
  • Look at lots of different prints/lettering within the environment.