St Brigid's RC Primary School

Catholic Life and Mission

St Brigid's Creed

We believe we are called by God to grow a diverse, worshipping community where...


We encourage everyone to dream, believe and achieve as a nurturing family, together as followers of Jesus who show God's love to the world. 

Come into St Brigid’s and receive the warm welcome of Christ in the eyes, hearts and hands of everyone you meet.

Walk together, the journey of life, in good times celebrate and in times of sadness comfort and support each other.

Witness God’s work through each other, your hands, your minds, your hearts. Know the word of God. Read it, speak it, pray it, live it.

Worship the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your talents, with all your worries and fears, with all your life.

Be God’s presence in the world through your love, your goodness, your kindness and forgiveness.



Our School Chapel

At St Brigid's, we pray as a way to draw closer to God. We pray in times of need, celebration and when we feel ourselves or others need the guidance of our Lord. Our Chaplains lead prayers in our school Chapel during lunch and break times. We use it as a space to reflect and be closer to God and classes regularly use the space for their Prayer and Liturgy session.

During the Autumn term, the Chapel  is used to celebrate the month of the Rosary where the Chaplains read the Rosary prayers and lead children in doing so too. Classes take it in turns each day to read the daily prayers and lead on praying the Rosary. During Advent, wreaths are lit weekly in each classroom, often starting with prayers in the Chapel, giving children the opportunity to reflect on the life and sacrifice of Jesus. 

Throughout the Spring term, our Chapel's prayer focus is Lent. Throughout Lent, we launch the ’40 acts of Kindness for 40 days’. After daily prayers, children add an act of kindness they had seen or committed to a ‘Lenten Journey’ in our Chapel. This helps children to reflect on what they have done during Lent to help others.

In the Summer term to celebrate the Ascension and the Pentecost, each class create a representation of the descent of the Holy Spirit. The chaplains lead stories and prayers using the props created by each class to represent the stories during lunch and break time Chapel prayers.






Caritas in Action
As part of our Catholic life and mission, we learn through Catholic Social Teaching using the Salford Diocese's 'Caritas in Action'. We begin our Caritas days with a 'gather' assembly led by the Chaplains, where we share the theme of the Caritas and gather in prayer and hope. Children will learn scripture, explore art and poetry and reflect upon the theme of the Caritas through a range of exciting activities. At the end of the day, we gather again to share the work that we have done and to share messages of our faith in action following on from the theme we have learnt that day. In the Autumn term, we explore the themes of Rights and Responsibilities and the Common Good. This is a good starting theme for all classes to explore their role within their classrooms and how to live our lives following God to be a part of the
common good. In Early Years, children explore images and discuss what God has given us in this world to make us happy. KS1 focus on sharing and caring for others. KS2 define happiness in our Catholic life and explored human rights.

Throughout the spring term we look at the options for the poor and vulnerable and how this affects our family and communities. We discuss what we do as citizens and as a school community to support our local area. Early years explore ways in which we care for others. KS1 explore images of children in poverty and discuss ways in which we can support others. KS2 explore deprived areas and what they
thought about this, the how and the why and how we can make a change as citizens of God. As a school, we focus on the
vulnerabilities of others and raise money and collect food throughout Lent.
During the summer term, we explore the Dignity of Work and Stewardship. Children discuss how they contribute to their school life and how we help to do God’s work. We explore what makes us special and how we aim high as we head towards the end of the school year.
