St Brigid's RC Primary School

School reopening

School reopens for all year groups on Thursday 3rd September.  Please ensure you have read the uniform and appearance policy.  We are really looking forward to seeing everyone again but this must be done in a safe way.  Please ensure your child arrives to school and is picked up at the set times.  Please note that children and adults will only be allowed on the playground at their allotted time. 

  Arrival Pick up
Y6 and Y5


No parents on the school playground


3.30pm at the office gate


Parents bring children to the EYFS gates 

3pm at the EYFS gates 
Y3 and Y4


No parents on the school playground 

3.20pm pick up

Parent pick up from Y3/4 lines

Y1 and Y2


Parents bring children to their line 

3.10pm pick up 

Parent pick up from Y1/2 lines 

